Thursday, January 19, 2012

It's All in the Name

You would think it wouldn't take a terribly long time to find an open domain name. Apparently I'm not that creative, and all my ideas were taken. However, all but one of the taken names had posts from 2005 and had not been updated since the original month of writing.

Perhaps that's a bad sign for my fledgling project.

I really just wanted to quickly start writing, but the whole domain name thing took 30 minutes. During which I probably should have been doing something more important, but not as exciting, like the grocery list.

Perhaps it is because my life seems pretty ordinary that I think I have the need to write about it. Like the world needs one more mommy blogger. I don't even have a special hook like living on a farm or homeschooling my 15 children while baking organically . Whenever I read a book, I think "I could do this, I'm funny too" and then when I start writing, the stories aren't as funny anymore. Maybe it's because I start to narrate my stories like David Sedaris. Then everything is hilarious.

So, either my stories aren't funny at all, or I need practice writing to make them seem funnier.

My ego is telling me that I should practice writing. At least this way I can hope to be discovered and write a book and become rich. More than likely, I'll have a nice record of the things that happen in my life. Hopefully I can make it for more than a month before taking up a perfectly good domain name with my dormant blog.


1 comment:

  1. Just looked up and it's completely blank, except for the title. Dear other Tracie, not cool.
